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Propagandhi - How To Clean Everything: 20th Anniversary Edition

Artikelnummer: 38185

ab 23,99 €

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1. Anti-Manifesto
2. Head? Chest? Or Foot?
3. Hate, Myth, Muscle, Etiquette
4. Showdown (G.E./P.)
5. Ska Sucks
6. Middle Finger Response
7. Stick the Fucking Flag Up Your Goddam Ass, You Sonofabitch
8. Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass
9. Fuck Machine
10. This Might Be Satire
11. Who Will Help Me Bake This Bread?
12. Pigs Will Pay (bonus track)
13. Homophobes Are Just Pissed 'Cause They Can't Get Laid (bonus track)
14. Leg-Hold Trap (bonus track)
15. I Want U 2 Vant Me
16. Middle Finger Response (demo) (CD/digital download only bonus track)
17. Hate, Myth, Muscle, Etiquette (demo) (CD/digital download only bonus track)
18. This Might Be Satire (demo) (CD/digital download only bonus track)
19. Fuck Machine (demo) (CD/digital download only bonus track)

Band: Propagandhi
Title: How To Clean Everything
Release: 1993/2013
Label: Fat Wreck

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