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Teenage Bottlerocket - freak out!

Artikelnummer: 29410

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Since their breakout Fat Wreck release They Came From the Shadows in 2009, TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKET have been on a relentless (and successful) mission to bring their frenzied and fun-filled brand of music to the masses. From Adelaide to Zurich, TBR have amassed an army of zealous devotees and are now ready to deliver their latest pop punk manifesto, Freak Out! Right out of the gate the punch of the title track serves notice that the BOTTLEROCKET guys aren't fucking around. All 14 tracks sustain such a balls-out level of energy it's impossible to sit still while listening. From the hallmark breakneck down strumming and fleet rhythms on songs like "Headbanger", "In the Pit", and "Who Killed Sensei?" to the heavy throttling chorus on "Cruising for Chicks", Freak Out! never stops to take a breath. Even the mid tempo songs seem fast! Add to this TBR's uncanny ability to craft mesmerizing melodies, highlighted by Kody's impossibly high harmonies, and what you have is a pop punk masterpiece. Often drawing comparisons to the legendary Ramones, TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKET are certainly the modern flag bearers of the classic sound. Yet, on tracks like "Go With the Flow" and "Never Gonna Tell You" they manage to stretch the narrow boundaries of the three chord structure, while maintaining the authenticity of the genre. Freak Out! delivers the fun, fast, catchy punk rock that TBR have built their reputation on, with the perfect amount of unexpected thrills to keep you pogoing for a long time to come.


1. Freak Out!
2. Headbanger
3. Cruising for Chicks
4. Necrocomicon
5. Maverick
6. Done with Love
7. Punk House of Horror
8. Never Gonna Tell You
9. In the Pit
10. Mutilate Me
11. Who Killed Sensei?
12. Radical
13. Summertime
14. Go with the Flow

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Band: Teenage Bottlerocket
Title: freak out!
Release: 2012
Label: Fat Wreck

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