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D L Burdon & His Questionable Intensions - Thank You And Goodnight

Artikelnummer: 90858

22,99 €

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Ex-Leatherface Bassist, und Ex Former Cell Mates Frontman rockt frisch und ausgelassen aus seiner neuen Wahlheimat. Irgendwo zwischen Frank Turner und Chris Wollard & The Ship Thieves, um bei den alten (UK) und neuen (USA) Wurzeln zu bleiben.


A01 Thank you and goodnight
A02 It's not healing
A03 Christmas light in August
A04 Follow them down
A05 Who we thought we were

B01 The story of your name
B02 The Ghosts we choose to live with
B03 Anticipation & regret
B04 Get some for me
B05 Welcome back

Band: D L Burdon & His Questionable Intensions
Title: Thank You And Goodnight
Release: 2023 / 2024
Label: Heartland Records
Genre: Punk / Post Punk / Post Rock

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